Speedwalk Recorder Script

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Game non-mud specific
By Demonnic
Download Mudlet Forums
Dependencies Mudlet 4.17


Records a speedwalk with the ability to play back, and in reverse. Makes use of the speedwalk() function.


speedrecord <name of speedwalk route>

This begins the recording. When you do this, it activates an alias which consumes everything you put in the command line and adds it to the route it is recording. When done, type


and it will end the recording mode and add the route to the list of routes it knows. To walk the route:

swalk <name of speedwalk route>

And if you want to walk it in reverse:

rwalk <name of speedwalk route to reverse>

To set your preferred delay:


To see a list of saved speedwalks with clickable links;


To remove a speedwalk;

removewalk <name of speedwalk route>

See also: Mudlet Forums


> speedrecord home_to_bank
-- enter commands to go to the bank; eg. w,n,n,e,e,e,s
> stopRecording