Manual:Script Editor

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Script Editor

The Script editor screen (default key: Alt+E) provides access to Mudlet's automation features such as; triggers, aliases, scripts, timers, keybindings, variables and buttons. It also has an error console, statistics generator and debug console.

Lua Code Editor

Edit Lua scripts in the large code editor found in the bottom right section of the Script Editor. Mudlet runs Lua 5.1 and can access any Lua libraries install on your system. The API can be found here.

Editing a Lua script

Editor shortcuts

The following shortcuts are available in the Lua code editor:

Navigation shortcuts
Ctrl+Tab Focus next section
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Focus previous section
Ctrl+S Save current item (trigger, alias, etc.)
Ctrl+Shift+S Save complete profile
Ctrl+1 Show trigger editor
Ctrl+2 Show aliases editor
Ctrl+3 Show scripts editor
Ctrl+4 Show timers editor
Ctrl+5 Show keys editor
Ctrl+6 Show variables editor
Ctrl+7 Show buttons editor
Ctrl+8 Show error log console
Ctrl+9 Display statistics in main window
Ctrl+0 Open central debug console window

Selection shortcuts
Ctrl+A Select all text
Ctrl+Left click Add cursors
Ctrl+Alt+Up Extend custors up
Ctrl+Alt+Down Extend custors down
Esc Switch to one cursor
Ctrl+D Select words at the cursor
Ctrl+L Select next lines
Ctrl+Shift+L Select previous lines
Ctrl+F Opens the script editor's FIND dialog.
F3 Moves to the next FIND result.
Shift+F3 Moves to the previous FIND result.

Editing shortcuts
Ctrl+] Indent right
Ctrl+[ Indent left
Ctrl+Shift+D Duplicate
Ctrl+/ Toggle selection comment
Alt+Backspace Delete rest of the word left
Alt+Delete Delete rest of the word right
Ctrl+R Toggle read-only