Simple Mapper Package

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Game non-mud specific
By Zooka
Download Github
Dependencies Mudlet 4.17


Simple Mapper is an alternative mapper script that is designed to work both on and offline. It uses the directional commands entered to create rooms, thus not relying on any information from the game. It does not try to match room names or prompts nor create exit stubs. It simply creates rooms from the direction you typed in i.e. n,s,e,w,u,d,ne,nw,se,sw. Undo room creation is supported as well as simple colouring of rooms, adding doors and special exits (eg. enter portal, push button). Simple Mapper will follow you around in the mapper window both on and offline. Speedwalking is also fully supported.


To get started on a new map issue the following command: smap new area My Area and starting moving around.

smap help                     -- display this help
smap new area <name>          -- create a new area with a start room
smap start                    -- start mapping by following directions
smap stop                     -- stop mapping
smap color <color>            -- color or colour a room
smap door <direction>         -- create/remove a door given a direction (n, s, e, etc)
smap link <vnum> <command>    -- link to a room using a custom command (e.g. enter portal)
smap merge                    -- merge rooms in map displayed on top of each other
smap merge auto               -- toggle automatic merging of rooms (default: true)
smap undo                     -- remove last room created


Simple Mapper example video.