Difference between revisions of "Compiling Mudlet"

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(→‎Compiling on Windows 7+ (MSYS2 Alternative): Correct documentation - each luarock is installed one at a time, it is not possible to prove a list of rocks!)
(→‎Compiling on Windows: shadow build now works ok)
(195 intermediate revisions by 18 users not shown)
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If you just want to use Mudlet, you can skip these steps, and use one of the pre-compiled installers ready for download here: https://www.mudlet.org/download/
If you just want to use Mudlet, you can skip these steps, and use one of the already ready (pre-compiled) installers [https://www.mudlet.org/download ready for download].
= Key contributing information =
Otherwise, hop in for new adventure!
Clang format is used to automatically format code submissions using the [https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/blob/development/src/.clang-format src/.clang-format] style. [http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-beautifier.html See here] how to enable clang-format with Qt Creator - and make sure to specify the 'File' option for the configuration style.
[[File:Easy Mudlet code understanding.png|400px|none]]
'''development''' is the development branch where new features can go.
Fork and submit a PR with your changes ([https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/ Github tutorial]).
if you've previously compiled Mudlet - <code>src/src.pro</code> has been renamed to <code>src/mudlet.pro</code> in Mudlet 3.3.
== Continuous Integration ==
Mudlet is hosted on [https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet Github] it uses [https://travis-ci.org/Mudlet/Mudlet Travis] and [https://www.appveyor.com AppVeyor] for continuous integration by building on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Linux and a macOS 10.11 platforms (Travis) and a Visual Studios 2015 on a MicroSoft Windows Server 2012 R2 platform (AppVeyor) repectively. This means that every push to the Git repository is test compiled on Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows.
Travis integration is defined in a [https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/blob/development/.travis.yml .travis.yml] file and AppVeyor integration by [https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/blob/development/.appveyor.yml .appveyor.yml] file, in our case, they reference shell/PowerShell scripts in the [https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/tree/development/CI CI] directory, which handle things like installing dependencies and building mudlet.
= Compiling =
= Compiling =
Line 30: Line 13:
These instructions will get you setup compiling on Ubuntu. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's [https://discord.gg/BwgJpMj Discord] or [http://forums.mudlet.org/viewforum.php?f=7 forums].
These instructions will get you setup compiling on Ubuntu. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's [https://discord.gg/BwgJpMj Discord] or [http://forums.mudlet.org/viewforum.php?f=7 forums].
'''Ubuntu 18.04 setup'''
===Ubuntu 22.04 & later===
Following instructions will work on Ubuntu 22.04 as well as all its flavours and derivatives (such as KDE Neon, for example)
Important thing is to have ''Universe'' repository enabled in your package manager. (on Ubuntu you will have all the repositories that you need already enabled by default.)
For Ubuntu 18.04 see the instructions for [[#Compiling_on_Debian_9_.27Stretch.27|Compiling on Debian 9 'Stretch']] (tested working perfectly).
'''1. necessary dependencies'''
Majority of required dependencies can be obtained from repositories, and can be installed with following command:
'''1. Ubuntu 18.04 setup'''
  sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras qtcreator build-essential git zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev \
  libpcre3-dev libzip-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev libpugixml-dev \
  liblua5.1-0-dev lua-filesystem lua-zip lua-sql-sqlite3 luarocks ccache lua5.1 libsecret-1-dev \
  libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev libglib2.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libqt5opengl5-dev cmake \
  qt6-multimedia-dev libqt6core5compat6 qt6-tools-dev qtkeychain-qt6-dev qt6-l10n-tools ninja-build \
  qt6-tools-dev-tools libqt6core5compat6-dev qttools5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qt6-speech-dev
If you're on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), install the following. If you're on a newer Ubuntu, skip this step and go to ''2. Install dependencies''.
'''1.1 Ubuntu 24.04:'''
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt-5.12.3-bionic
<code>sudo apt install qt6-multimedia-dev</code>
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install qt512-meta-full qt512creator
  source /opt/qt512/bin/qt512-env.sh
'''2. Install dependencies'''
Few of required Lua modules are not available in official repositories, so they have to be installed using ''luarocks''
  sudo luarocks install lcf
  sudo luarocks install luautf8
  sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
  sudo luarocks install lrexlib-pcre
sudo apt install git build-essential qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev \
'''2. obtaining the source code'''
  lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev libpcre3-dev libboost-dev zlib1g-dev cmake \
  libhunspell-dev lua-rex-pcre lua-sql-sqlite3 lua-filesystem lua-zip libyajl-dev \
Obtain the latest in-development code with:
  libzip-dev libgstreamer0.10-0 libglu1-mesa-dev ccache libpugixml-dev \
  git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
  mesa-common-dev qtcreator libpulse-dev libglib2.0-dev luarocks libboost-all-dev
  mkdir Mudlet/build
sudo apt install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 # may not work on newer Ubuntu
  cd Mudlet/build
sudo luarocks install luautf8
sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
'''3. Get Mudlet source'''
'''3. compiling the code'''
  cmake .. -G Ninja
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git mudlet
4. '''installing compiled code'''
'''4. Create a build directory'''
After successful code compilation, next few commands will install resulting binaries, desktop file for menus and appropriate icon.
  sudo make install
  sudo cp ../mudlet.png /usr/share/pixmaps
  sudo cp ../mudlet.desktop /usr/share/applications
  cd mudlet
5. '''optional additional software'''
  mkdir build
  cd build
'''5. Run the following commands, depending on which build system you want to use '''
One of the major reasons for compiling Mudlet from source is the ability to unlock more features that are not enabled in official AppImage.
Manual compilation will resolve the issues with sound by using system provided libraries, as well as enable more detailed theming of Mudlet application itself.
However, do take note that Mudlet is a Qt based program, and that theming will not 'just work' in GTK based desktop environments (Gnome, XFCE, MATE, Budgie).
  sudo apt install qt5ct
will install a tool for configuration of look and feel of Qt programs inside those desktop environments.
Users of Qt based Desktop environments (KDE Plasma, LXQT) can simply use settings provided by environment itself.
Many of Qt widget styles and color schemes are available in official repositories, and will make Mudlet better.
cmake ..
6. '''Mudlet on Wayland'''
Mudlet compiled like this will run and work on Wayland, however, there are a few quirks with Keybidings (Numpad may not work as expected).
Until that is resolved you may wish to start mudlet with:
  QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb mudlet
(enter in terminal or simply change the Exec= line in /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop)
qmake CONFIG+=debug ../src/mudlet.pro
7. '''uninstallation'''
You can reverse the process described in this guide with following command:
make -j `nproc`
  sudo rm -fr /usr/bin/mudlet /usr/share/mudlet /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop /usr/share/pixmaps/mudlet.png
'''5. Start the application you have just compiled - enjoy'''
===Other Ubuntu Versions===
cd src
Most of the installation instructions for 22.04 should work for older versions as well. Of note is the required version of Qt, which is 5.14. If your used version of Ubuntu only supplies older
Qt versions, have a look at [https://launchpad.net/~beineri Stephan Binners PPAs], which supplies a whole range of packages for different Ubuntu versions. Be sure to read the installation and
usage instructions as Qt is installed to /opt and requires sourcing a script to set up.
== Compiling on Chrome OS ==
== Compiling on Chrome OS ==
Line 90: Line 92:
'''1. Install dependencies'''
'''1. Install dependencies'''
  sudo apt install git build-essential qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev \
  sudo apt install git build-essential \
   lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev libpcre3-dev libboost-dev zlib1g-dev cmake \
   lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev libpcre3-dev libboost-dev zlib1g-dev cmake \
   libhunspell-dev lua-rex-pcre lua-sql-sqlite3 lua-filesystem lua-zip libyajl-dev \
   libhunspell-dev lua-rex-pcre2 lua-sql-sqlite3 lua-filesystem lua-zip libyajl-dev \
   libzip-dev libglu1-mesa-dev ccache libpugixml-dev mesa-common-dev qtcreator \
   libzip-dev libglu1-mesa-dev ccache libpugixml-dev mesa-common-dev qtcreator \
   libpulse-dev libglib2.0-dev luarocks libboost-all-dev
   libpulse-dev libglib2.0-dev luarocks libboost-all-dev libsecret-1-dev \
  ninja-build libsecret-1-dev qt6-tools-dev qt6-5compat-dev qt6-multimedia-dev
  sudo luarocks install luautf8
  sudo luarocks install luautf8
  sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
  sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
You'll also need to download a few files from the web and install them locally.
[https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libgstreamer0.10-0 libgstreamer0.10] - [https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libs/gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3] - [https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/liboil0.3 liboil0.3]
'''3. Get Mudlet source'''
'''3. Get Mudlet source'''
Line 108: Line 107:
'''4. Create a build directory'''
'''4. Create a build directory'''
  cd mudlet
cd mudlet
  mkdir build
mkdir build && cd build
  cd build
'''5. Run the following command '''
'''5. Run the following command '''
  qmake CONFIG+=debug ../src/mudlet.pro
  cmake .. -G Ninja
  make -j `nproc`
  ninja -j 2
'''5. Start the application you have just compiled - enjoy'''
'''5. Start the application you have just compiled - enjoy'''
== Compiling on macOS ==
== Compiling on macOS ==
Line 131: Line 129:
'''1. Install prerequisites'''
'''1. Install prerequisites'''
Install [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835?ls=1&mt=12 XCode], command line tools for XCode, [http://brew.sh HomeBrew] and [https://cocoapods.org/ CocoaPods] (we'll need packages from both).
Install [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835?ls=1&mt=12 XCode], command line tools for XCode, and [http://brew.sh HomeBrew].
Once everything is installed, do:
Once everything is installed, do:
Line 140: Line 138:
'''2. Get Mudlet source'''
'''2. Get Mudlet source'''
   git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git mudlet
   git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git  
'''3. Go to the parent of the mudlet "src" folder and create (if necessary) a build subdirectory (this is so that we can build out of source which keeps the source code clean)'''
'''3. Go to the parent of the mudlet "src" folder and create (if necessary) a build subdirectory (this is so that we can build out of source which keeps the source code clean)'''
   mkdir build
   cd Mudlet && mkdir build
'''3. Setup your environment''' ''you only need the first three lines if your system cannot find the right Qt libraries or tools, the added directories might be different if you have installed them differently''
'''3. Setup your environment'''
   export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH"
  export LDFLAGS=" -L/usr/local/opt/qt5/lib ${LDFLAGS}"
  export CPPFLAGS=" -I/usr/local/opt/qt5/include ${CPPFLAGS}"
   luarocks config lua_version 5.1
   luarocks config lua_version 5.1
   eval `luarocks path`
   eval `luarocks path --lua-version=5.1`
For the following, one may have to add <code>''_DIR="/opt/homebrew/"''</code> such as <code>PCRE_DIR="/opt/homebrew/"</code> or <code>ZIP_DIR="/opt/homebrew/"</code> if the installation could not find header files.
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install lrexlib-pcre
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install lrexlib-pcre PCRE_DIR=`brew --prefix pcre`
  brew install sqlite
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luasql-sqlite3 SQLITE_DIR=`brew --prefix sqlite`  
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luasql-sqlite3 SQLITE_DIR=`brew --prefix sqlite`  
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luautf8
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luautf8
  luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install lua-yajl
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luafilesystem
   luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luafilesystem
  luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install lua-zip ZIP_DIR=`brew --prefix libzip`
  brew install boost
OK to answer yes to delete files if prompted for the <code>rm</code> command above.
'''4. Run the following commands'''
'''4. Go to the mudlet build folder'''
   cd build
   cd build
  cmake ../../Mudlet -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`brew --prefix qt5`
  make -j `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`
'''5. Enjoy'''
The mudlet.app is now available in <code>src/</code> for launching:
'''5. Run the following commands'''
  open src/Mudlet.app
  qmake ../src/mudlet.pro
'''6. Qt Creator setup'''
  make -j `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`
No Lua installation is found, despite it existing on your system? Launch Qt Creator by doing <code>open /Applications/Qt Creator.app</code> (location depends on how you installed it).
Receiving a <code>No rule to make target ... libQt5UiTools_debug.a</code> error? A workaround is to [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-81251?focusedCommentId=538705&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-538705 symlink a file].
'''6. Enjoy'''
Mudlet in Qt Creator is not launching due to <code>dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart</code>? See [https://stackoverflow.com/a/44851430/72944 here] for a workaround.
The Mudlet.app is now available in <code>src/</code> for launching.
====== 7. Troubleshooting ======
If you exhaust all efforts to get YAJL to compile on your local system with homebrew, [https://github.com/lloyd/yajl/ clone from the YAJL repository] then  <code>./configure && sudo make install</code>.
== Compiling on Debian 'Sid' ==
== Compiling on Debian ==
'''1. Install required packages from main repo.'''
'''1. Install required packages from main repo.'''
  sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
  sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-0-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
  libzip-dev libboost-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev lua-rex-pcre lua-filesystem lua-zip \
  libzip-dev libboost-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev libsecret-1-dev lua-rex-pcre2 lua-filesystem lua-zip \
  lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev
  lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-qmake qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev
  sudo luarocks install luautf8
  sudo luarocks install luautf8
  sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
  sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
sudo luarocks install lrexlib-pcre
'''2. Grab latest Mudlet source.'''
'''2. Grab latest Mudlet source.'''
Line 200: Line 210:
  sudo make install
  sudo make install
== Compiling on Debian 9 'Stretch' ==
'''4. (Optional) Discord library'''
'''1. Install required packages.'''
sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
libzip-dev libboost-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev lua-rex-pcre lua-filesystem lua-zip \
lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev
sudo luarocks install luautf8 
sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
'''2. Get Mudlet source.'''
mkdir ~/source && cd ~/source
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
Note: the line above will check out `development` branch source code, and this might not always be stable.  You can check out the latest release source code using this command:
git clone --recursive --branch master https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
'''3. Build Mudlet.'''
If you get the following error;
  mkdir ~/source/Mudlet/build && cd ~/source/Mudlet/build
  Could not find Discord library - searched in:
qmake ../src/mudlet.pro
you need to specify the discord library in your build. Run the following, changing the path where necessary;
  make -j `nproc`
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user/mudlet-dev/Mudlet/3rdparty/discord/rpc/lib/
  sudo make install
and recompile. You should see
After these steps you can run Mudlet by typing:
Discord integration loaded. Using functions from: "libdiscord-rpc.so"
== Compiling on Raspberry Pi OS ==
== Compiling on Raspberry Pi (raspbian buster) ==
These instructions will get you compiling and running Mudlet on Raspberry Pi OS (Buster). Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's [https://discord.gg/BwgJpMj Discord] or [http://forums.mudlet.org/viewforum.php?f=7 forums].
These instructions will get you compiling and running Mudlet on raspbian buster. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's [https://discord.gg/BwgJpMj Discord] or [http://forums.mudlet.org/viewforum.php?f=7 forums].
''' 1.a Install apt dependencies '''
=== 1.a Install apt dependencies ===
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
  sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
   libzip-dev libboost-graph-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev lua-rex-pcre lua-filesystem lua-zip \
   libzip-dev libboost-graph-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev lua-rex-pcre2 lua-filesystem lua-zip \
   lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev cmake
   lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-assistant qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev cmake
Line 251: Line 240:
''' 1.b Install luarocks dependencies '''
''' 1.b Install luarocks dependencies '''
  sudo luarocks install luautf8   
  sudo luarocks install luautf8
  sudo luarocks install lua-yajl YAJL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ YAJL_INCDIR=/usr/include
  sudo luarocks install lrexlib-pcre
  sudo luarocks install lua-yajl YAJL_LIBDIR=`find /usr -name "libyajl.so" -printf '%h\n'` YAJL_INCDIR=/usr/include
Line 260: Line 250:
  mkdir ~/source && cd ~/source  
  mkdir ~/source && cd ~/source  
  git clone https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
  git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
[[File:After-get-mudlet-source.png|center|thumb|After cloning]]
[[File:After-get-mudlet-source.png|center|thumb|After cloning]]
Line 283: Line 273:
''' THEN: '''
''' THEN: '''
:For the fastest compile time, 15-20min on a RPi4 with 4GB of ram
:For the fastest compile time while still being able to use the system at all (~35min on a RPi4 with 4GB of ram)
  make -j `nproc`
  make -j $(expr `nproc` - 1)
''' OR: '''
''' OR: '''
:If you want to use your pi while it builds or have an older Raspberry Pi. be prepared for it to take a while (over an hour) - ''it is not recommended to try to more than one compilation task at a time on the older systems with the '''-j''' option as they will only have a system memory with enough space for one of some of those tasks'':
:Use this if you have an older Raspberry Pi. Be prepared for it to take a while (over an hour) - ''it is not recommended to try to more than one compilation task at a time on the older systems with the '''-j''' option as they will only have a system memory with enough space for one of some of those tasks'':
Line 304: Line 294:
== Compiling on ArchLinux ==
== Compiling on Arch Linux ==
Mudlet is available in the [https://aur.archlinux.org Arch User Repository].  
===AUR Install and Compile===
Mudlet is available in the [https://aur.archlinux.org Arch User Repository].
(If the AUR has become unmaintained/orphaned, then skip below to [https://wiki.mudlet.org/w/Compiling_Mudlet#Manual_Install_and_Compile Manual install].)
To install it use your favourite AUR helper (helper tool will automatically resove dependancies); example using ''yay'' :
To install it use your favourite AUR helper (helper tool will automatically resove dependancies); example using ''yay'' :
Line 317: Line 309:
''Built in fonts have been disabled, but are available in packages listed as optional dependancies.''
''Built in fonts have been disabled, but are available in packages listed as optional dependancies.''
''Discord support in Mudlet depends on an extrenal library provided by discord-rpc-api, which is also available in AUR, choose whichever variant suits you best.''
''Discord support in Mudlet depends on an external library provided by discord-rpc-api, which is also available in AUR, choose whichever variant suits you best.''
===Manual Install and Compile===
These instructions will get you setup compiling on Arch. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's [https://discord.gg/BwgJpMj Discord] or [http://forums.mudlet.org/viewforum.php?f=7 forums].
'''1. necessary dependencies'''
Majority of required dependencies can be obtained from repositories, and can be installed with following command:
  sudo pacman -S --needed cmake qt5-multimedia hunspell libzip lua51-filesystem qt5-gamepad lua51-luautf8 pugixml \
  ttf-font qtkeychain-qt5 boost qt5-tools ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-ubuntu-font-family noto-fonts-emoji glu luarocks
Few of required Lua modules are not available in official repositories, so they have to be installed using ''luarocks''
  sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lcf
  sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install luautf8
  sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lua-yajl
  sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lrexlib-pcre
  sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install luasql-sqlite3
  sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lua-zip
There is an optional dependency for discord integration:
  git clone https://github.com/discord/discord-rpc
  cd discord-rpc
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
  sudo cmake --build . --config Release --target install
'''2. obtaining the source code'''
Obtain the latest in-development code with:
  git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
  mkdir Mudlet/build
  cd Mudlet/build
'''3. compiling the code'''
There below are two ways to build with qmake, the first is for general use, the second is for developers:
  qmake ../src/mudlet.pro
  qmake CONFIG+=debug ../src/mudlet.pro
'''Now finish compiling:'''
  make -j `nproc`
'''4. installing compiled code'''
After successful code compilation, next few commands will install resulting binaries, desktop file for menus and appropriate icon.
  sudo make install
  sudo cp ../mudlet.png /usr/share/pixmaps
  sudo cp ../mudlet.desktop /usr/share/applications
'''5. optional additional software'''
One of the major reasons for compiling Mudlet from source is the ability to unlock more features that are not enabled in official AppImage.
Manual compilation will resolve the issues with sound by using system provided libraries, as well as enable more detailed theming of Mudlet application itself.
However, do take note that Mudlet is a Qt based program, and that theming will not 'just work' in GTK based desktop environments (Gnome, XFCE, MATE, Budgie).
  sudo pacman -S install qt5ct
will install a tool for configuration of look and feel of Qt programs inside those desktop environments.↵Users of Qt based Desktop environments (KDE Plasma, LXQT) can simply use settings provided by environment itself.
Many of Qt widget styles and color schemes are available in official repositories, and will make Mudlet better.
6. '''Mudlet on Wayland'''
Mudlet compiled like this will run and work on Wayland, however, there are a few quirks with Keybindings (Numpad may not work as expected).
Until that is resolved you may wish to start mudlet with:
  QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb mudlet
(enter in terminal or simply change the Exec= line in /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop)
7. '''uninstallation'''
You can reverse the process described in this guide with following command:
  sudo rm -fr /usr/bin/mudlet /usr/share/mudlet /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop /usr/share/pixmaps/mudlet.png
== Compiling on Fedora (aarch64) ==
'''1.  Install dependencies'''
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
sudo dnf install compat-lua compat-lua-devel compat-lua-libs hunspell-devel lua5.1-filesystem luarocks pugixml-devel qtkeychain-qt5-devel bitstream-vera-fonts-all ccache qt-creator qt5-qtmultimedia-devel qt5-qtgamepad-devel yajl-devel qtchooser qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qttools-static zziplib-devel pcre-devel libzip-devel sqlite-devel
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install luazip
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install luasql-sqlite3
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install lcf
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install luautf8
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install lua-yajl
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install lrexlib-pcre
In your user's home directory:
If you use a bash shell:
luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin >> .bashenv
source .bashenv
If you use a zsh shell:
luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin >> .zshenv
source .zshenv
If you use a csh shell:
luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin >> .cshenv
source .cshenv
This should cover paths, but you may want to reboot to be sure.
'''2. Obtain the source code'''
git clone --recursive --branch=development <nowiki>https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git</nowiki>
mkdir Mudlet/build
cd Mudlet/src
'''3. Make necessary compiling instruction adjustments'''
Edit mudlet.pro - find these lines in mudlet.pro and make the following changes:
     linux {
         LIBS += \
             -llua5.1 \
         INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/lua5.1
We're adding a - between lua and 5.1 and adding -1.7 to hunspell under LIBS so that it becomes this:
     linux {
         LIBS += \
             -llua-5.1 \
         INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/lua5.1
Save and exit.
'''4. Compile'''
cd ../build
Run this in the build directory:
An explanation of the qmake arguments -- we're passing these environment variables to mudlet.pro:
Adding build variables to mudlet.pro so that it finds the correct libraries:
PREFIX=/usr INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/include/lua-5.1
And finally adding a build variable to translations/translated/updateqm.pri so that it uses the correct version of the Lua compiler (Fedora also comes with 5.4) to generate translation statistics.
Once complete, run the following:
If you have time to kill (About 10 minutes on an Apple M1 Max in Fedora):
If you want it done as fast as possible(Less than a minute on an Apple M1 Max in Fedora):
make -j `nproc`
Or if you want something in between, make -j `nproc` tells it to use all available processor cores.  If you want to use a specific number instead (ie 2), you can use:
make -j 2
'''5. Install'''
sudo make install
sudo cp ../mudlet.png /usr/share/pixmaps
sudo cp ../mudlet.desktop /usr/share/applications
'''6. Hang onto the cloned git repo '''
If you need to uninstall, you can go back into the /build directory and 'sudo make uninstall'.
== Compiling on Gentoo ==
== Compiling on Gentoo ==
An [https://github.com/toaster/gentoo-overlay overlay containing Mudlet is available] for compiling Mudlet on Gentoo.
An [https://github.com/toaster/gentoo-overlay overlay containing Mudlet is available] for compiling Mudlet on Gentoo.
== Compiling on Windows 7+ ==
== Compiling on Windows ==
* Install '''MSYS2''': https://www.msys2.org
* At the end of installation uncheck '''run msys2 now''' and click '''finish'''
* Run '''MSYS2 MINGW64''' from the start menu
* Run the following in the opened MSYS2 terminal (you right-click in order to paste):
pacman --files --refresh
pacman --sync git mingw-w64-x86_64-qt-creator mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-ninja mingw-w64-x86_64-clang-libs --noconfirm
These instructions will get you setup compiling on Windows.  
* Run the following from the MSYS2 terminal:
git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
Need a hand? Join us on the Mudlet [https://discord.gg/BwgJpMj Discord server] or [http://forums.mudlet.org/viewforum.php?f=7 forums].
* Setup the development environment (~5-10min) by running:
'''1. Download Mudlet source code'''
Take note of the message at the end to add the variables to your environment once you have opened the project in Qt Creator.
[[File:Windows environment variables.png|500px|center]]
# Install [https://desktop.github.com/ Github Desktop].
{{note}} This might not work on windows arm64, pacman freezes.
# Clone ([https://help.github.com/desktop/guides/contributing-to-projects/cloning-a-repository-from-github-to-github-desktop/#platform-windows instructions]) Mudlet's [https://github.com/mudlet/mudlet repository] to your local drive.
{{note}} You must use a location on <code>C:\</code> without any spaces in folder names!
'''2. Perform a one-time setup'''
* Open Qt Creator. You will need to open it via MSYS2 every time:
Right-click on <code>setup-windows-sdk.ps1</code> and select <code>Run with PowerShell</code>. This will automatically download all of the requires tools (including Python 2) and libraries, set them up for you, build Mudlet, and launch it! If this script exits immediately, please [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/installing-windows-powershell?view=powershell-6#upgrading-existing-windows-powershell upgrade your PowerShell version] first.
* Press '''link with Qt''' on the bottom right of Qt Creator
{{note}} Depending on your Internet connection and computer speed, this one-time setup will take 30 minutes or more - so grab a cup of tea or coffee.
[[File:Link with qt.png|500px|center]]
[[File:Start-of-installation.gif|frame|none|Sometimes the output will get stuck and not progress - just press Enter to make it continue. This is a well-known [https://serverfault.com/questions/204150/sometimes-powershell-stops-sending-output-until-i-press-enter-why Powershell bug.]]]
* Choose <code>C:/msys64/mingw64</code> as the location then restart Qt Creator
During the installation, you'll see the Qt installer window pop-up - this is normal:
[[File:Qt location.png|500px|center]]
* '''Open project'''; C:/msys64/home/<user>/Mudlet/src/mudlet.pro
The Qt installer might ask you about your data collection preferences - answer as you wish and the automated install will continue:
[[File:Open new project - qtcreator.png|500px|center]]
* In Build Environment details, set environment variables to what was stated in the sdk-setup script above.
The installer's final step will be compiling all of the source code, which looks like this:
[[File:Build environmental variables.png|500px|center]]
* Build Mudlet (Ctrl+B)
* Run Mudlet (Ctrl+R)
After it's all done, a Mudlet version ending in "-dev" will launch automatically:
=== Contributing changes ===
=== Coding on Mudlet ===
Once you're all done with your changes, contribute them to Mudlet using a [https://help.github.com/desktop/guides/contributing-to-projects/creating-a-pull-request/#platform-windows pull request]. Thanks for improving open-source!
Open <code>C:\<path to repository>\src\mudlet.pro</code> in Qt Creator, which resides here: <code>C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\qtcreator.exe</code>. Then enable Debug and Release builds and hit ''Configure Project'':
== Compiling on Github Codespaces ==
[https://github.com/features/codespaces/ Github Codespaces] allow you to code and run Mudlet all from the browser - makes it a lot easier to get started. It also allows you to code Mudlet itself from any computer in the world!
Press <code>Ctrl+5</code> and update project settings. Check how many logical processors are available in your system with the Task Manager:
'''1. Create a new codespace'''
[[File:Task-manager.png|thumb|none|2 processors are available in this example]]
Create a new Codespace by going to https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Firefox at the time of the writing doesn't have working copy/paste). There, click the green "Code" button, select the "Codespaces" tab and click "New codespace".
And set this amount in Qt Creator:
[[File:New codespace.png|alt=New codespace screenshot|frameless]]
[[File:Change Qt Creator to use many cores.gif|frame|none]]
'''2. Wait for it to load'''
Hit run:
This will take a while (~5min) so grab a tea:
[[File:Selection 176.png|frame|none]]
[[File:Building Visual Studio Codespace.png|frameless]]
Click on '''Compile Output''' to see progress on compiling:
'''3. Connect to the environment'''
[[File:Selection 177.png|frame|none]]
Go to the <code>Ports</code> section at the bottom and change the Port Privacy of the Open Mudlet port to Public:
When it's all ready, the new Mudlet with your changes will launch. '''You're all done'''!
[[File:Port privacy in Github Codespaces.png|900x900px]]
=== Contributing changes ===
Once you're all done with your changes, contribute them to Mudlet using a [https://help.github.com/desktop/guides/contributing-to-projects/creating-a-pull-request/#platform-windows pull request]. Thanks for improving open-source!
Then connect to your online Linux desktop with <code>mudlet</code> as the password by clicking on the web icon.  
=== Uninstalling ===
[[File:Connect to remote machine.png|frameless]]
To get rid of everything, uninstall Qt using the <code>C:\Qt\MaintenanceTool.exe</code> and remove the following folders:
== Compiling on Windows 7+ (MSYS2 Alternative)==
In case it can't connect, make sure the port privacy is set to <code>Public</code>. If it still can't connect, try 4-5 more times - eventually it'll work.
Go to http://www.msys2.org/ to download the 64 (or 32) bit MSYS2 package and follow the installation instructions (Steps 1 to 8 on that page), these instructions assume that "C:\msys64" or "C:\msys32" is used depending on the bitness of the system it is being installed on.
Install the following packages (using "pacman -S ''packageName''"), the ones with a '''-i686-''' in the middle are the ones for 32-bit (i686) targets and '''-x86_64-''' are for 64-bit one - it is possible to install both for building Mudlet for PCs of both bitnesses!
We chose a retro 90's look here to fit with the whole hacking theme, so if you see this you're good 😉
:{| class="wikitable sortable"
! 32-bit target !! 64-bit target
| base-devel || base-devel
| git || git
| mercurial || mercurial
| cvs || cvs
| wget || wget
| ruby || ruby
| zip || zip
| p7zip || p7zip
| python2 || python2
| mingw-w64-i686-toolchain || mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
| mingw-w64-i686-qt-creator || mingw-w64-x86_64-qt-creator
| mingw-w64-i686-libzip || mingw-w64-x86_64-libzip
| mingw-w64-i686-pugixml || mingw-w64-x86_64-pugixml
| mingw-w64-i686-lua51 || mingw-w64-x86_64-lua51
| mingw-w64-i686-lua51-lpeg || mingw-w64-x86_64-lua51-lpeg
| mingw-w64-i686-lua51-lsqlite3 || mingw-w64-x86_64-lua51-lsqlite3
| mingw-w64-i686-lua51-luarocks || mingw-w64-x86_64-lua51-luarocks
| mingw-w64-i686-hunspell || mingw-w64-x86_64-hunspell
| mingw-w64-i686-zziplib || mingw-w64-x86_64-zziplib
| mingw-w64-i686-boost || mingw-w64-x86_64-boost
| mingw-w64-i686-yajl || mingw-w64-x86_64-yajl
| mingw-w64-i686-Cairo || mingw-w64-x86_64-Cairo
| mingw-w64-i686-clang || mingw-w64-x86_64-clang
| mingw-w64-i686-cmake || mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake
| mingw-w64-i686-SDL || mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL
| unzip || unzip
'''4. Build Mudlet'''
From the Windows ''Start menu'' start a shell appropriate for the target with the bitness to be built for i.e. '''"MSYS2 Mingw 32-Bit"''' or '''"MSYS2 Mingw 64-Bit"'''. This will likely position the current directory to the root directory of the MSYS2 environment, the text about the prompt line (the one with the "$") will contain three different bits of colored text '''username@computername'''; one of '''MSYS2'''/'''MINGW32'''/'''MINGW''' depending on the type of shell you currently in use and '''/''' representing the root directory (which will actually be the directory MSYS2 was installed to, for example on the author's system this is "C:/msys64"). Change to the home directory in MYSY by entering "cd" on its own with no argument (it will show up as '''~''' and it would work out to be, for '''user''' to be '''C:/home/user''' (if both bitnessess are to be built it will be necessary to repeat the following step twice, one for each) install the following luarocks: '''luafilesystem''', '''lua-yajl''', '''luautf8''', '''luazip''', '''lrexlib-pcre''', and '''luasql-sqlite3''' by using:
In Codespaces, hit <code>F7</code> and select <code>Let CMake guess...</code>
:<syntaxhighlight lang="shell">
MINGW64 user@computer ~
$ luarocks install rockname
:'''Currently there seems to be a bug''' (reported upstream as msys2/MINGW-packages [https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/issues/5928 Issue #5928]) '''where the 32-Bit Luarocks version messes up a couple of configuration files on installation and luarocks is unable to work without editing them:'''
[[File:CMake configuration.png|none]]
:: Edit '''/mingw32/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/site_config.lua''' by changing the '''''six''''' lines with paths (in <nowiki>[[</nowiki>...<nowiki>]]</nowiki>) that start with '''/mingw32''' to prepend the drive and path of the MSYS2 install {e.g. '''C:/msys64''' or '''C:/msys32''' if following the previous directions), e.g. the line:
It will then start building Mudlet automatically. Using the [https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/developing-online-with-codespaces/about-billing-for-codespaces Basic instance] (only kind available in beta) the first-time build will take ~25min, so take a break here - you've made excellent progress. All follow-up compiles after this will be quicker, by the way.
:::<syntaxhighlight lang="shell"> site_config.LUAROCKS_PREFIX=[[/mingw32]]</syntaxhighlight>
:: on 64-bit systems should be changed to:
:::<syntaxhighlight lang="shell"> site_config.LUAROCKS_PREFIX=[[C:/msys64/mingw32]]</syntaxhighlight>
:: Also change the line:
:::<syntaxhighlight lang="shell"> site_config.LUAROCKS_ROCKS_SUBDIR=[[/lib/luarocks/rocks]]</syntaxhighlight>
:: to:
:::<syntaxhighlight lang="shell"> site_config.LUAROCKS_ROCKS_SUBDIR=[[/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1]]</syntaxhighlight>
:: Edit '''/mingw32/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua''' in one place where the path is wrong in the same manner as above, so change:
[[File:Building Mudlet in codespaces.png|none]]
:::<syntaxhighlight lang="shell"> { name = [[system]], root = [[/mingw32]] }</syntaxhighlight>
:: to (on 64-bit systems):
:::<syntaxhighlight lang="shell"> { name = [[system]], root = [[C:/msys64/mingw32]] }]</syntaxhighlight>
Now create somewhere to work on the Mudlet source, assuming that other software coding with other pieces of software will be done, create a sub-directory in the home directory, and then make one just for Mudlet under that:
'''5. Run Mudlet'''
:<syntaxhighlight lang="shell">
MINGW64 user@computer ~
$ mkdir ./src
MINGW64 user@computer ~
[[File:Launch Mudlet.png|none]]
$ mkdir ./src/mudlet
Change to that directory and get the source code:
Hit the little play button at the bottom of the screen, and Mudlet will now launch in the remote connection tab. Not working? [https://discord.gg/kuYvMQ9 We can help]. Otherwise, enjoy!
:<syntaxhighlight lang="shell">
MINGW64 user@computer ~
$ cd ./src/mudlet
MINGW64 user@computer ~/src/mudlet
[[File:Mudlet running remotely.png ‎|500px]]
$ git clone git://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git .
If you are planning to contribute to the Mudlet code you will want to visit Github and create your own GitHub repository, you can then push commits (changes to the code) to there and raise a Pull Request for a Mudlet Maker to drag the changes over to the above repository. You will want to add your repository and perhaps those of some other contributors so you can track what they are doing and see/try/experiment with their PRs before they get merged. Therefore you will want to add some other repositories into the mix. The names you use to identify those other repositories will show up in any utility that works with the repository you have just created in the above "clone" operation and can be anything you like but it makes sense to have clear names. So to add "myName", and those of the leading active contributors to the Mudlet codebase you will use:
Note: When the codespace is unused for a while, it will disconnect. It'll never disconnect while you're actively using it. See [https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/issues/588 Github issue] for details.
:<syntaxhighlight lang="shell">
MINGW64 user@computer ~/src/mudlet
$ git remote add Mine https://github.com/myName/Mudlet.git
MINGW64 user@computer ~/src/mudlet
== Developing with Docker ==
$ git remote add Vadim https://github.com/vadi2/Mudlet.git
MINGW64 user@computer ~/src/mudlet
Docker is a system designed for more reproducible and isolated builds. A docker setup exists and has been tested using Pop OS! 20.04 (which is derived from Ubuntu 20.04). First, follow the instructions to install both [https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ docker] and [https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ docker-compose].
$ git remote add SlySven https://github.com/SlySven/Mudlet.git
MINGW64 user@computer ~/src/mudlet
Clone the development branch
$ git remote add Kebap https://github.com/Kebap/Mudlet.git
Now obtain ''all'' the versions of the code with:
  git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
:<syntaxhighlight lang="shell">
  cd Mudlet/docker
MINGW64 user@computer ~/src/mudlet
$ git fetch --all
This will produce a lot of lines of output the first time and it might take a little while on a slow connection...
Make a local copy of the .env.template file:
{Section missing - it turns out that the default GUI git tools that the author of this section would normally use: "gitk" and "git gui" have some problems in the versions currently supplied from the MSYS2 system - and it was necessary to import them from the set that the Git4Win have patched - see https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/wiki/Install-inside-MSYS2-proper }
  cp .env.template .env
Checkout a branch and then work on it with Qt Creator:
If you wish to customize things like the number of cores to use for building mudlet, feel free to change the corresponding values in the .env file.
:<syntaxhighlight lang="shell">
MINGW64 user@computer ~/src/mudlet
$ qtcreator &
Load in the '''mudlet.pro''' ''qmake'' project file in the '''src''' subdirectory (e.g. for this example: '''c:/msys64/home/user/src/mudlet/src/mudlet.pro''') and get hacking...
To run Qt-Creator and develop Mudlet, run <code>docker-compose up dev</code>.
{At present there are some deficits in the qmake project file that mean that some libraries and include files will not be found - the '''MINGW_BASE_DIR''' qmake variable will need to be adjusted from '''C:\\Qt\\Tools\\mingw530_32''' to '''C:/msys64/mingw64''', it needs to be pre-pended to some more paths in the project file and ''TLuaInterpreter'' class C++ code that loads both the Mudlet provided lua modules and system ones needs improvement to handle Qt Shadow builds (that place the built executable a further sub-directory down when the qmake CONFIG variable contains both '''debug_and_release''' and '''debug_and_release_target''' as it does on Windows)...}
To run Mudlet,  run <code>docker-compose up mudlet</code>. Note: At the moment, the mudlet build will not persist settings past container rebuilds.
= Setting up IDEs =
= Setting up IDEs =
== CLion ==
== CLion ==
=== Qt not detected ===
If you'd like to use CLion and it is giving the following error:
If you'd like to use CLion and it is giving the following error:
Line 546: Line 598:
     asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Core", but
     asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Core", but
     CMake did not find one.
     CMake did not find one.
    Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Core" with any
    of the following names:
    Add the installation prefix of "Qt5Core" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
    "Qt5Core_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
    "Qt5Core" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
    been installed.</nowiki>
You can fix this by setting <code>-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<your Qt + version + compiler location></code>. For example: <code>-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/vadi/Programs/Qt/5.13.0/gcc_64/</code> [[File:CLion CMake settings - finidng Qt.png|200px|thumb|right]]
You can fix this by setting <code>-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<your Qt + version + compiler location></code>. For example: <code>-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/media/vadi/SSDer/Programs/Qt/5.14.2/gcc_64/</code> [[File:CLion CMake settings - finidng Qt.png|700px|none]]
=== CLion setup on Windows ===
After running <code>setup-windows-sdk.ps1</code> make sure to set Cmake options to:
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_32;C:\Qt\5.14.2\mingw73_32 -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\Libraries\boost_1_77_0
''Directories might vary slightly, when different Qt, Boost or MinGW version will be used.''
[[File:Clion Settings - Cmake.png|frameless|700x700px]]
You will need 32 bit version of MinGW. Set it in the <code>Toolset</code> field to:
''Directory may be slightly different if MinGW version used will change.''
=== Clang Tidy ===
Ensure that CLion is set to run the project's [https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/clang-tidy-checks-support.html#paticularcheck .clang-tidy checks] with the <code>Prefer .clang-tidy files over IDE settings</code> option:
[[File:Clang Tidy CLIon.png|700px|none]]
This helps us catch any issues just a bit earlier.
===Checking memory leaks & other issues (sanitizers)===
Besides clang-tidy, it's also possible to enable clang sanitizers to double-check for issues:
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LeakSanitizer.html LeakSanitizer] for detecting memory leaks
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html AddressSanitizer] for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global and more
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer] for detecting the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour (such as using misaligned or null pointer, conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination, division by zero, etc)
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/MemorySanitizer.html MemorySanitizer] for detecting reading uninitialised memory
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThreadSanitizer.html ThreadSanitizer] for detecting threading issues
To use the sanitisers, set the <code>USE_SANITIZER</code> CMake variable to one or several variables (separate by comma): <code>Address</code>, <code>Memory</code>, <code>MemoryWithOrigins</code>, <code>Undefined</code>, <code>Thread</code>, or <code>Leak</code>
To use them in CLion, adjust the CMake settings:
Not all sanitisers can be used with each other - in that case the cmake configuration won't allow you to continue.
=== Clang Format ===
Ensure that [https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/clangformat-as-alternative-formatter.html#clion-support CLion is set to use] the <code>.clang-format</code> formatting style:
[[File:Clang-format CLion.png]]
This helps keep the look'n'feel of the source code in a consistent manner, even with many people contributing to Mudlet.
== Visual Studio Code ==
To set the path in Visual Studio Code, open settings, search for <code>cmake environment</code> and set the <code>CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH</code> to your path, such as <code>/home/vadi/Programs/Qt/5.15.2/gcc_64</code>:
[[File:CMake path in Visual Studio Code.png|none]]
===Clang Tidy===
clang-tidy catches common programming issues, run it by selecting 'Analysis' from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P by default):
[[File:Clang-tidy in vscode.png|none]]
It is also possible [https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/visual-studio-code-c-december-2021-update-clang-tidy/ check status of analysis and cancel if needed].
===Checking memory leaks & other issues (sanitizers)===
Besides clang-tidy, it's also possible to enable clang sanitizers to double-check for issues:
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LeakSanitizer.html LeakSanitizer] for detecting memory leaks
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html AddressSanitizer] for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global and more
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer] for detecting the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour (such as using misaligned or null pointer, conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination, division by zero, etc)
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/MemorySanitizer.html MemorySanitizer] for detecting reading uninitialised memory
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThreadSanitizer.html ThreadSanitizer] for detecting threading issues
To use the sanitisers, set the <code>USE_SANITIZER</code> CMake variable to one or several variables (separate by comma): <code>Address</code>, <code>Memory</code>, <code>MemoryWithOrigins</code>, <code>Undefined</code>, <code>Thread</code>, or <code>Leak</code>
To use them in VSCode, set the <code>cmake.configureSettings</code> variable:
[[File:Cmake.configureSettings option in vscode.png|frameless|890x890px]]
[[File:Choosing which sanitizers in vscode to use.png|frameless|891x891px]]
Not all sanitisers can be used with each other - in that case the cmake configuration won't allow you to continue.
== Qt Creator==
===Clang Tidy and Clazy===
Configure Mudlet-specific checks for [https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/ clang-tidy] and [https://github.com/KDE/clazy clazy] tools help catch any issues early on. See  [https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-clang-tools.html Qt Creator's instructions] for setting this up - clang-tidy can use the <code>.clang-tidy</code> file that's available at the root of the repository, and for clazy enable <code>level0</code> and <code>level1</code> checks.
[[File:Clang tidy configuration.png|frame|none]]
[[File:Clazy configuration.png|frame|none]]
===Checking memory leaks & other issues (sanitizers)===
Besides clang-tidy, it's also possible to enable clang sanitizers to double-check for issues:
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LeakSanitizer.html LeakSanitizer] for detecting memory leaks
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html AddressSanitizer] for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global and more
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer] for detecting the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour (such as using misaligned or null pointer, conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination, division by zero, etc)
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/MemorySanitizer.html MemorySanitizer] for detecting reading uninitialised memory
* [https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThreadSanitizer.html ThreadSanitizer] for detecting threading issues
To use the sanitisers, set the <code>USE_SANITIZER</code> CMake variable to one or several variables (separate by comma): <code>Address</code>, <code>Memory</code>, <code>MemoryWithOrigins</code>, <code>Undefined</code>, <code>Thread</code>, or <code>Leak</code>
To use them in Qt creator, head to <code>Projects</code> - <code>Build</code>:
[[File:Sanitisers in qt creator.png|frameless|890x890px]]
Not all sanitisers can be used with each other - in that case the cmake configuration won't allow you to continue.
==Clang Format==
Ensure that Qt Creator is set to use the <code>.clang-format</code> formatting style in the C++ settings. Turn on <code>Format instead of indenting</code> for <code>Ctrl+I</code> to format code, and ensure <code>Override Clang Format configuration file</code> is disabled:
[[File:Qt Creator clang format.png]]
This helps keep the look'n'feel of the source code in a consistent manner, even with many people contributing to Mudlet.
= Building with multiple versions of Lua =
=Building with multiple versions of Lua=
Mudlet uses Lua 5.1 only, so if you are compiling on a system that also has later versions installed, you might get the following error: <code>‘LUA_GLOBALSINDEX’ was not declared in this scope</code>.
Mudlet uses Lua 5.1 only, so if you are compiling on a system that also has later versions installed, you might get the following error: <code>‘LUA_GLOBALSINDEX’ was not declared in this scope</code>.
To fix this, pass the path to Lua headers explicitly. For CMake: <code>-DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/lua5.1</code> (adjust as needed).
To fix this, pass the path to Lua headers explicitly. For CMake: <code>-DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/lua5.1</code> (adjust as needed).
= Key contributing information =
Clang format is used to automatically format code submissions using the [https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/blob/development/src/.clang-format src/.clang-format] style. [http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-beautifier.html See here] how to enable clang-format with Qt Creator - and make sure to specify the 'File' option for the configuration style.
'''development''' is the development branch where new features can go.
Fork and submit a PR with your changes ([https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/ Github tutorial]).
Here is a list of package versions delivered with different Linux distros. You may want to upgrade these:
= Lua & Luarocks =
Mudlet includes a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lua_(programming_language) Lua] (version 5.1) scripting system for the end-user, which you, as a reader of this Wiki, may already be aware of! If not, you might wish to (after you have got your hands on a working Mudlet) take a look at [https://wiki.mudlet.org/w/Manual:Lua_Functions Mudlet Lua API] as that is the recommended place to find out the details of all the functions that Mudlet provides on top of the core Lua functionality.
Some of that ability comes from extra code that is not built-in to Lua but is in the form of external modules either in the form of script (text) files written in the Lua language itself or binary (library) files compiled from (usually but not exclusively [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language) 'C']) source code. In order to have that functionality Mudlet makes use of several of these modules which can most readily (if not already available as "packages" for a particular Operating System) be obtained as '''rocks''' from the public [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LuaRocks Luarocks] collection. Such a rock actually consists of a ''rockspec'' file that gives instructions to the Luarocks tool how to obtains the (source) code, compile it on any supported OS into the form that a Lua interpreter (including the one included in '''''each''''' running Mudlet ''profile'') can use, and where and what it will be placed and called when it has been made. After that it should be available to Lua via the ''require'' command.
Anyone compiling Mudlet for themselves will find it desirable to ensure they have a usable Luarocks installation and have the ''lua-yajl'' module installed before commencing to compile Mudlet itself; this is because a Lua (version 5.1) interpreter and that module are used within the build process of making the executable code that is the Mudlet application.
== Included Modules ==
# [https://luarocks.org/modules/xavier-wang/luautf8 luautf8] (manual in README)
# [https://luarocks.org/modules/martin-eden/lcf lcf] (customised version)
# [https://luarocks.org/modules/hisham/luafilesystem luafilesystem] ([http://lunarmodules.github.io/luafilesystem/manual.html manual])
# [https://luarocks.org/modules/rrt/lrexlib-pcre lrexlib-pcre] ([https://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/manual.html manual])
# [http://lunarmodules.github.io/luasql/ luasql-sqlite3] (http://lunarmodules.github.io/luasql/manual.html manual)
# [https://luarocks.org/modules/brimworks/lua-yajl lua-yajl] (manual in README)
# [https://luarocks.org/modules/mpeterv/luazip luazip] ([http://mpeterv.github.io/luazip/ manual])
== Adding Luarocks ==
Here's a rundown on checking you can use luarocks.  Here we will use the bit32 module as an example.
1. Install via luarocks
> luarocks install bit32
2.  Check where luarocks installs the modules.  Note the modules section.
> luarocks show bit32
bit32 - Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library
bit32 is the native Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library, in the version from Lua 5.3; it is compatible with Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.
License:        MIT
Homepage:      http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.7
Installed in:  /usr/local
        bit32 (/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/bit32.so)
Depends on:
        lua >= 5.1, < 5.5 (using 5.1-1)
3. Recompile mudlet.  You may need to adjust lua path and cpath information for your environment.  You can use the following commands to help find this information.
> luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin
export LUA_PATH='./?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/home/username/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/home/username/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua'
export LUA_CPATH='./?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so;/home/username/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/?.so
Or from within mudlet itself you can issue these commands to double check the correct paths are being used.
> lua print(package.path)
> lua print(package.cpath)
4. Recompile and run a test script using the [https://www.lua.org/pil/8.1.html require command] to load in the necessary library.
bit32 = require("bit32")
function bit32_test()
= Enabling Debug Build =
To enable a debug build that can be run through GDB:
* follow all steps until qmake
* modify the qmake line by adding in debug info, e.g.:
  qmake CONFIG+=debug ../src/mudlet.pro
* compile as normal
* attach gdb to mudlet
  gdb ./mudlet
* within gdb command line start mudlet running by:
* proceed to crash mudlet then type
* submit the output with your bug reports.
= Compile Time Flags =
DEBUG_UTF8_PROCESSING - for decoding the UTF-8 (1 byte with the MSB set or 2, 3 or 4 bytes) encoding
DEBUG_GB_PROCESSING - for decoding the GBK (2 bytes) or GB18030 (2 or 4 bytes) encodiing
DEBUG_BIG5_PROCESSING - for decoding the Big5-ETEN or Big5-HKSCS encodings
DEBUG_EUC_KR_PROCESSING - for decoding the EUC_KR encoding
DEBUG_SGR_PROCESSING - decoding the <ESC>[ codes (that pair of bytes being the CSI "Control Sequence Introducer" - including the one ending in m which is the "Set Graphics Rendition" that Mudlet (and other MUD clients and other things) use to control colours and other font effects.
DEBUG_OSC_PROCESSING - decode the <ESC>] codes (that MUST end with a <ESC>\) - currently Mudlet only handles a couple of these OSC "Operating System Commands".
DEBUG_MXP_PROCESSING - stuff to do with the MXP protocol - which uses a <ESC> ... z sequence of characters to do some things...

Latest revision as of 09:35, 17 September 2024

If you just want to use Mudlet, you can skip these steps, and use one of the already ready (pre-compiled) installers ready for download.

Otherwise, hop in for new adventure!

Easy Mudlet code understanding.png


Compiling on Ubuntu

These instructions will get you setup compiling on Ubuntu. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's Discord or forums.

Ubuntu 22.04 & later

Following instructions will work on Ubuntu 22.04 as well as all its flavours and derivatives (such as KDE Neon, for example) Important thing is to have Universe repository enabled in your package manager. (on Ubuntu you will have all the repositories that you need already enabled by default.)

1. necessary dependencies

Majority of required dependencies can be obtained from repositories, and can be installed with following command:

 sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras qtcreator build-essential git zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev \
  libpcre3-dev libzip-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev libpugixml-dev \
  liblua5.1-0-dev lua-filesystem lua-zip lua-sql-sqlite3 luarocks ccache lua5.1 libsecret-1-dev \
  libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev libglib2.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libqt5opengl5-dev cmake \
  qt6-multimedia-dev libqt6core5compat6 qt6-tools-dev qtkeychain-qt6-dev qt6-l10n-tools ninja-build \
  qt6-tools-dev-tools libqt6core5compat6-dev qttools5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qt6-speech-dev

1.1 Ubuntu 24.04:

sudo apt install qt6-multimedia-dev

Few of required Lua modules are not available in official repositories, so they have to be installed using luarocks

 sudo luarocks install lcf
 sudo luarocks install luautf8
 sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
 sudo luarocks install lrexlib-pcre

2. obtaining the source code

Obtain the latest in-development code with:

 git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
 mkdir Mudlet/build
 cd Mudlet/build

3. compiling the code

 cmake .. -G Ninja

4. installing compiled code

After successful code compilation, next few commands will install resulting binaries, desktop file for menus and appropriate icon.

 sudo make install
 sudo cp ../mudlet.png /usr/share/pixmaps
 sudo cp ../mudlet.desktop /usr/share/applications

5. optional additional software

One of the major reasons for compiling Mudlet from source is the ability to unlock more features that are not enabled in official AppImage. Manual compilation will resolve the issues with sound by using system provided libraries, as well as enable more detailed theming of Mudlet application itself. However, do take note that Mudlet is a Qt based program, and that theming will not 'just work' in GTK based desktop environments (Gnome, XFCE, MATE, Budgie).

 sudo apt install qt5ct

will install a tool for configuration of look and feel of Qt programs inside those desktop environments. Users of Qt based Desktop environments (KDE Plasma, LXQT) can simply use settings provided by environment itself.

Many of Qt widget styles and color schemes are available in official repositories, and will make Mudlet better.

6. Mudlet on Wayland

Mudlet compiled like this will run and work on Wayland, however, there are a few quirks with Keybidings (Numpad may not work as expected). Until that is resolved you may wish to start mudlet with:

 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb mudlet

(enter in terminal or simply change the Exec= line in /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop)

7. uninstallation

You can reverse the process described in this guide with following command:

 sudo rm -fr /usr/bin/mudlet /usr/share/mudlet /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop /usr/share/pixmaps/mudlet.png

Other Ubuntu Versions

Most of the installation instructions for 22.04 should work for older versions as well. Of note is the required version of Qt, which is 5.14. If your used version of Ubuntu only supplies older Qt versions, have a look at Stephan Binners PPAs, which supplies a whole range of packages for different Ubuntu versions. Be sure to read the installation and usage instructions as Qt is installed to /opt and requires sourcing a script to set up.

Compiling on Chrome OS

These instructions will get you setup compiling on Chrome OS. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's Discord or forums.

1. Install dependencies

sudo apt install git build-essential \
  lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev libpcre3-dev libboost-dev zlib1g-dev cmake \
  libhunspell-dev lua-rex-pcre2 lua-sql-sqlite3 lua-filesystem lua-zip libyajl-dev \
  libzip-dev libglu1-mesa-dev ccache libpugixml-dev mesa-common-dev qtcreator \
  libpulse-dev libglib2.0-dev luarocks libboost-all-dev libsecret-1-dev \
  ninja-build libsecret-1-dev qt6-tools-dev qt6-5compat-dev qt6-multimedia-dev
sudo luarocks install luautf8
sudo luarocks install lua-yajl

3. Get Mudlet source

git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git mudlet

4. Create a build directory

cd mudlet
mkdir build && cd build

5. Run the following command

cmake .. -G Ninja


ninja -j 2

5. Start the application you have just compiled - enjoy


Compiling on macOS

These instructions will get you setup compiling on macOS. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's Discord server or forums otherwise.

1. Install prerequisites

Install XCode, command line tools for XCode, and HomeBrew.

Once everything is installed, do:

 brew doctor
 brew update
 brew install git

2. Get Mudlet source

 git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git 

3. Go to the parent of the mudlet "src" folder and create (if necessary) a build subdirectory (this is so that we can build out of source which keeps the source code clean)

 cd Mudlet && mkdir build

3. Setup your environment

 luarocks config lua_version 5.1
 eval `luarocks path --lua-version=5.1`

For the following, one may have to add _DIR="/opt/homebrew/" such as PCRE_DIR="/opt/homebrew/" or ZIP_DIR="/opt/homebrew/" if the installation could not find header files.

 luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install lrexlib-pcre PCRE_DIR=`brew --prefix pcre`
 brew install sqlite
 luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luasql-sqlite3 SQLITE_DIR=`brew --prefix sqlite` 
 luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luautf8
 luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install luafilesystem
 luarocks --lua-version=5.1 --lua-dir=`brew --prefix lua@5.1` install lua-zip ZIP_DIR=`brew --prefix libzip`
 brew install boost

OK to answer yes to delete files if prompted for the rm command above.

4. Run the following commands

 cd build
 cmake ../../Mudlet -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`brew --prefix qt5`
 make -j `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`

5. Enjoy

The mudlet.app is now available in src/ for launching:

 open src/Mudlet.app

6. Qt Creator setup

No Lua installation is found, despite it existing on your system? Launch Qt Creator by doing open /Applications/Qt Creator.app (location depends on how you installed it).

Receiving a No rule to make target ... libQt5UiTools_debug.a error? A workaround is to symlink a file.

Mudlet in Qt Creator is not launching due to dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart? See here for a workaround.

7. Troubleshooting

If you exhaust all efforts to get YAJL to compile on your local system with homebrew, clone from the YAJL repository then ./configure && sudo make install.

Compiling on Debian

1. Install required packages from main repo.

sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-0-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
libzip-dev libboost-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev libsecret-1-dev lua-rex-pcre2 lua-filesystem lua-zip \
lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-qmake qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev
sudo luarocks install luautf8
sudo luarocks install lua-yajl
sudo luarocks install lrexlib-pcre

2. Grab latest Mudlet source.

mkdir ~/projects && cd ~/projects && git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git mudlet

3. Build Mudlet.

cd ~/projects/mudlet/src
sudo make install

4. (Optional) Discord library

If you get the following error;

Could not find Discord library - searched in:

you need to specify the discord library in your build. Run the following, changing the path where necessary;

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user/mudlet-dev/Mudlet/3rdparty/discord/rpc/lib/

and recompile. You should see

Discord integration loaded. Using functions from: "libdiscord-rpc.so"

Compiling on Raspberry Pi OS

These instructions will get you compiling and running Mudlet on Raspberry Pi OS (Buster). Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's Discord or forums.

1.a Install apt dependencies

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
  libzip-dev libboost-graph-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev lua-rex-pcre2 lua-filesystem lua-zip \
  lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-assistant qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev cmake

installing apt dependencies

1.b Install luarocks dependencies

sudo luarocks install luautf8
sudo luarocks install lrexlib-pcre
sudo luarocks install lua-yajl YAJL_LIBDIR=`find /usr -name "libyajl.so" -printf '%h\n'` YAJL_INCDIR=/usr/include

after luarocks dependencies

2. Get Mudlet source

mkdir ~/source && cd ~/source 
git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
After cloning

3. Create a build directory

 cd Mudlet && mkdir build && cd build

4. Run the following commands to build

WITH_UPDATER=NO WITH_3DMAPPER=NO qmake ../src/mudlet.pro
If you get a response along the lines of:
qmake: could not find a Qt installation of 
then you likely have qtchooser present in your system that allows for both Qt4 and Qt5 (or more than one Qt5 version) and it modifiers qmake and some other Qt development programs to take an additional argument to specify which version to use. In that case you should use:
WITH_UPDATER=NO WITH_3DMAPPER=NO qmake -qt=qt5 ../src/mudlet.pro
After qmake


For the fastest compile time while still being able to use the system at all (~35min on a RPi4 with 4GB of ram)
make -j $(expr `nproc` - 1)


Use this if you have an older Raspberry Pi. Be prepared for it to take a while (over an hour) - it is not recommended to try to more than one compilation task at a time on the older systems with the -j option as they will only have a system memory with enough space for one of some of those tasks:

4. Install the application you have just compiled

sudo make install
Installed now

5. Enjoy!

# mudlet is in the path, can just run it

Compiling on Arch Linux

AUR Install and Compile

Mudlet is available in the Arch User Repository. (If the AUR has become unmaintained/orphaned, then skip below to Manual install.)

To install it use your favourite AUR helper (helper tool will automatically resove dependancies); example using yay :

yay -S mudlet

For more info on this process, visit Arch User Repository - ArchWiki.

Note: For the most recent development version of Mudlet, replace 'mudlet' with 'mudlet-git' in the above commands and proceed as described.

Built in fonts have been disabled, but are available in packages listed as optional dependancies.

Discord support in Mudlet depends on an external library provided by discord-rpc-api, which is also available in AUR, choose whichever variant suits you best.

Manual Install and Compile

These instructions will get you setup compiling on Arch. Need a hand? Join us on Mudlet's Discord or forums.

1. necessary dependencies

Majority of required dependencies can be obtained from repositories, and can be installed with following command:

 sudo pacman -S --needed cmake qt5-multimedia hunspell libzip lua51-filesystem qt5-gamepad lua51-luautf8 pugixml \
  ttf-font qtkeychain-qt5 boost qt5-tools ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-ubuntu-font-family noto-fonts-emoji glu luarocks

Few of required Lua modules are not available in official repositories, so they have to be installed using luarocks

 sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lcf
 sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install luautf8
 sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lua-yajl
 sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lrexlib-pcre
 sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install luasql-sqlite3
 sudo lua5.1 /usr/bin/luarocks install lua-zip

There is an optional dependency for discord integration:

 git clone https://github.com/discord/discord-rpc
 cd discord-rpc
 mkdir build
 cd build
 sudo cmake --build . --config Release --target install

2. obtaining the source code

Obtain the latest in-development code with:

 git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
 mkdir Mudlet/build
 cd Mudlet/build

3. compiling the code

There below are two ways to build with qmake, the first is for general use, the second is for developers:

 qmake ../src/mudlet.pro


 qmake CONFIG+=debug ../src/mudlet.pro

Now finish compiling:

 make -j `nproc`

4. installing compiled code

After successful code compilation, next few commands will install resulting binaries, desktop file for menus and appropriate icon.

 sudo make install
 sudo cp ../mudlet.png /usr/share/pixmaps
 sudo cp ../mudlet.desktop /usr/share/applications

5. optional additional software

One of the major reasons for compiling Mudlet from source is the ability to unlock more features that are not enabled in official AppImage. Manual compilation will resolve the issues with sound by using system provided libraries, as well as enable more detailed theming of Mudlet application itself. However, do take note that Mudlet is a Qt based program, and that theming will not 'just work' in GTK based desktop environments (Gnome, XFCE, MATE, Budgie).

 sudo pacman -S install qt5ct

will install a tool for configuration of look and feel of Qt programs inside those desktop environments.↵Users of Qt based Desktop environments (KDE Plasma, LXQT) can simply use settings provided by environment itself.

Many of Qt widget styles and color schemes are available in official repositories, and will make Mudlet better.

6. Mudlet on Wayland

Mudlet compiled like this will run and work on Wayland, however, there are a few quirks with Keybindings (Numpad may not work as expected). Until that is resolved you may wish to start mudlet with:

 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb mudlet

(enter in terminal or simply change the Exec= line in /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop)

7. uninstallation

You can reverse the process described in this guide with following command:

 sudo rm -fr /usr/bin/mudlet /usr/share/mudlet /usr/share/applications/mudlet.desktop /usr/share/pixmaps/mudlet.png

Compiling on Fedora (aarch64)

1.  Install dependencies

sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
sudo dnf install compat-lua compat-lua-devel compat-lua-libs hunspell-devel lua5.1-filesystem luarocks pugixml-devel qtkeychain-qt5-devel bitstream-vera-fonts-all ccache qt-creator qt5-qtmultimedia-devel qt5-qtgamepad-devel yajl-devel qtchooser qt5-qttools-devel qt5-qttools-static zziplib-devel pcre-devel libzip-devel sqlite-devel
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install luazip
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install luasql-sqlite3
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install lcf
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install luautf8
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install lua-yajl
sudo luarocks --lua-version 5.1 --tree=/usr install lrexlib-pcre

In your user's home directory:

If you use a bash shell:

luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin >> .bashenv
source .bashenv

If you use a zsh shell:

luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin >> .zshenv
source .zshenv

If you use a csh shell:

luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin >> .cshenv
source .cshenv

This should cover paths, but you may want to reboot to be sure.

2. Obtain the source code

git clone --recursive --branch=development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
mkdir Mudlet/build
cd Mudlet/src

3. Make necessary compiling instruction adjustments

Edit mudlet.pro - find these lines in mudlet.pro and make the following changes:

    linux {
        LIBS += \
            -llua5.1 \
        INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/lua5.1

We're adding a - between lua and 5.1 and adding -1.7 to hunspell under LIBS so that it becomes this:

    linux {
        LIBS += \
            -llua-5.1 \
        INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/lua5.1

Save and exit.

4. Compile

cd ../build

Run this in the build directory:


An explanation of the qmake arguments -- we're passing these environment variables to mudlet.pro:


Adding build variables to mudlet.pro so that it finds the correct libraries:

PREFIX=/usr INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/include/lua-5.1

And finally adding a build variable to translations/translated/updateqm.pri so that it uses the correct version of the Lua compiler (Fedora also comes with 5.4) to generate translation statistics.


Once complete, run the following:

If you have time to kill (About 10 minutes on an Apple M1 Max in Fedora):


If you want it done as fast as possible(Less than a minute on an Apple M1 Max in Fedora):

make -j `nproc`

Or if you want something in between, make -j `nproc` tells it to use all available processor cores.  If you want to use a specific number instead (ie 2), you can use:

make -j 2

5. Install

sudo make install
sudo cp ../mudlet.png /usr/share/pixmaps
sudo cp ../mudlet.desktop /usr/share/applications

6. Hang onto the cloned git repo If you need to uninstall, you can go back into the /build directory and 'sudo make uninstall'.

Compiling on Gentoo

An overlay containing Mudlet is available for compiling Mudlet on Gentoo.

Compiling on Windows

  • At the end of installation uncheck run msys2 now and click finish
  • Run MSYS2 MINGW64 from the start menu
  • Run the following in the opened MSYS2 terminal (you right-click in order to paste):
pacman --files --refresh
pacman --sync git mingw-w64-x86_64-qt-creator mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-ninja mingw-w64-x86_64-clang-libs --noconfirm
  • Run the following from the MSYS2 terminal:
git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
  • Setup the development environment (~5-10min) by running:

Take note of the message at the end to add the variables to your environment once you have opened the project in Qt Creator. (WITH_MAIN_BUILD_SYSTEM, MINGW_BASE_DIR, LUA_PATH, LUA_CPATH)

Windows environment variables.png

Note Note: This might not work on windows arm64, pacman freezes.

  • Open Qt Creator. You will need to open it via MSYS2 every time:
  • Press link with Qt on the bottom right of Qt Creator
Link with qt.png
  • Choose C:/msys64/mingw64 as the location then restart Qt Creator
Qt location.png
  • Open project; C:/msys64/home/<user>/Mudlet/src/mudlet.pro
Open new project - qtcreator.png
  • In Build Environment details, set environment variables to what was stated in the sdk-setup script above.
Build environmental variables.png
  • Build Mudlet (Ctrl+B)
  • Run Mudlet (Ctrl+R)

Contributing changes

Once you're all done with your changes, contribute them to Mudlet using a pull request. Thanks for improving open-source!

Compiling on Github Codespaces

Github Codespaces allow you to code and run Mudlet all from the browser - makes it a lot easier to get started. It also allows you to code Mudlet itself from any computer in the world!

1. Create a new codespace

Create a new Codespace by going to https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Firefox at the time of the writing doesn't have working copy/paste). There, click the green "Code" button, select the "Codespaces" tab and click "New codespace".

New codespace screenshot

2. Wait for it to load

This will take a while (~5min) so grab a tea:

Building Visual Studio Codespace.png

3. Connect to the environment

Go to the Ports section at the bottom and change the Port Privacy of the Open Mudlet port to Public:

Port privacy in Github Codespaces.png

Then connect to your online Linux desktop with mudlet as the password by clicking on the web icon.

Connect to remote machine.png

In case it can't connect, make sure the port privacy is set to Public. If it still can't connect, try 4-5 more times - eventually it'll work.

We chose a retro 90's look here to fit with the whole hacking theme, so if you see this you're good 😉

4. Build Mudlet

In Codespaces, hit F7 and select Let CMake guess...

CMake configuration.png

It will then start building Mudlet automatically. Using the Basic instance (only kind available in beta) the first-time build will take ~25min, so take a break here - you've made excellent progress. All follow-up compiles after this will be quicker, by the way.

Building Mudlet in codespaces.png

5. Run Mudlet

Launch Mudlet.png

Hit the little play button at the bottom of the screen, and Mudlet will now launch in the remote connection tab. Not working? We can help. Otherwise, enjoy!

Mudlet running remotely.png

Note: When the codespace is unused for a while, it will disconnect. It'll never disconnect while you're actively using it. See Github issue for details.

Developing with Docker

Docker is a system designed for more reproducible and isolated builds. A docker setup exists and has been tested using Pop OS! 20.04 (which is derived from Ubuntu 20.04). First, follow the instructions to install both docker and docker-compose.

Clone the development branch

 git clone --recursive -b development https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet.git
 cd Mudlet/docker

Make a local copy of the .env.template file:

 cp .env.template .env

If you wish to customize things like the number of cores to use for building mudlet, feel free to change the corresponding values in the .env file.

To run Qt-Creator and develop Mudlet, run docker-compose up dev.

To run Mudlet, run docker-compose up mudlet. Note: At the moment, the mudlet build will not persist settings past container rebuilds.

Setting up IDEs


Qt not detected

If you'd like to use CLion and it is giving the following error:

    By not providing "FindQt5Core.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
    asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Core", but
    CMake did not find one.


You can fix this by setting -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<your Qt + version + compiler location>. For example: -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/media/vadi/SSDer/Programs/Qt/5.14.2/gcc_64/

CLion CMake settings - finidng Qt.png

CLion setup on Windows

After running setup-windows-sdk.ps1 make sure to set Cmake options to:

-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_32;C:\Qt\5.14.2\mingw73_32 -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\Libraries\boost_1_77_0

Directories might vary slightly, when different Qt, Boost or MinGW version will be used.

Clion Settings - Cmake.png

You will need 32 bit version of MinGW. Set it in the Toolset field to:


Directory may be slightly different if MinGW version used will change.


Clang Tidy

Ensure that CLion is set to run the project's .clang-tidy checks with the Prefer .clang-tidy files over IDE settings option:

Clang Tidy CLIon.png

This helps us catch any issues just a bit earlier.

Checking memory leaks & other issues (sanitizers)

Besides clang-tidy, it's also possible to enable clang sanitizers to double-check for issues:

  • LeakSanitizer for detecting memory leaks
  • AddressSanitizer for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global and more
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer for detecting the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour (such as using misaligned or null pointer, conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination, division by zero, etc)
  • MemorySanitizer for detecting reading uninitialised memory
  • ThreadSanitizer for detecting threading issues

To use the sanitisers, set the USE_SANITIZER CMake variable to one or several variables (separate by comma): Address, Memory, MemoryWithOrigins, Undefined, Thread, or Leak

To use them in CLion, adjust the CMake settings:

Clion cmake settings.png

Not all sanitisers can be used with each other - in that case the cmake configuration won't allow you to continue.

Clang Format

Ensure that CLion is set to use the .clang-format formatting style:

Clang-format CLion.png

This helps keep the look'n'feel of the source code in a consistent manner, even with many people contributing to Mudlet.

Visual Studio Code

To set the path in Visual Studio Code, open settings, search for cmake environment and set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to your path, such as /home/vadi/Programs/Qt/5.15.2/gcc_64:

CMake path in Visual Studio Code.png

Clang Tidy

clang-tidy catches common programming issues, run it by selecting 'Analysis' from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P by default):

Clang-tidy in vscode.png

It is also possible check status of analysis and cancel if needed.

Checking memory leaks & other issues (sanitizers)

Besides clang-tidy, it's also possible to enable clang sanitizers to double-check for issues:

  • LeakSanitizer for detecting memory leaks
  • AddressSanitizer for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global and more
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer for detecting the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour (such as using misaligned or null pointer, conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination, division by zero, etc)
  • MemorySanitizer for detecting reading uninitialised memory
  • ThreadSanitizer for detecting threading issues

To use the sanitisers, set the USE_SANITIZER CMake variable to one or several variables (separate by comma): Address, Memory, MemoryWithOrigins, Undefined, Thread, or Leak

To use them in VSCode, set the cmake.configureSettings variable:

Cmake.configureSettings option in vscode.png

Choosing which sanitizers in vscode to use.png

Not all sanitisers can be used with each other - in that case the cmake configuration won't allow you to continue.

Qt Creator

Clang Tidy and Clazy

Configure Mudlet-specific checks for clang-tidy and clazy tools help catch any issues early on. See Qt Creator's instructions for setting this up - clang-tidy can use the .clang-tidy file that's available at the root of the repository, and for clazy enable level0 and level1 checks.

Clang tidy configuration.png
Clazy configuration.png

Checking memory leaks & other issues (sanitizers)

Besides clang-tidy, it's also possible to enable clang sanitizers to double-check for issues:

  • LeakSanitizer for detecting memory leaks
  • AddressSanitizer for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global and more
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer for detecting the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour (such as using misaligned or null pointer, conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination, division by zero, etc)
  • MemorySanitizer for detecting reading uninitialised memory
  • ThreadSanitizer for detecting threading issues

To use the sanitisers, set the USE_SANITIZER CMake variable to one or several variables (separate by comma): Address, Memory, MemoryWithOrigins, Undefined, Thread, or Leak

To use them in Qt creator, head to Projects - Build:

Sanitisers in qt creator.png

Not all sanitisers can be used with each other - in that case the cmake configuration won't allow you to continue.

Clang Format

Ensure that Qt Creator is set to use the .clang-format formatting style in the C++ settings. Turn on Format instead of indenting for Ctrl+I to format code, and ensure Override Clang Format configuration file is disabled:

Qt Creator clang format.png

This helps keep the look'n'feel of the source code in a consistent manner, even with many people contributing to Mudlet.

Building with multiple versions of Lua

Mudlet uses Lua 5.1 only, so if you are compiling on a system that also has later versions installed, you might get the following error: ‘LUA_GLOBALSINDEX’ was not declared in this scope.

To fix this, pass the path to Lua headers explicitly. For CMake: -DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/lua5.1 (adjust as needed).

Key contributing information

Clang format is used to automatically format code submissions using the src/.clang-format style. See here how to enable clang-format with Qt Creator - and make sure to specify the 'File' option for the configuration style.


development is the development branch where new features can go.


Fork and submit a PR with your changes (Github tutorial).

Here is a list of package versions delivered with different Linux distros. You may want to upgrade these: https://repology.org/project/mudlet/versions

Lua & Luarocks

Mudlet includes a Lua (version 5.1) scripting system for the end-user, which you, as a reader of this Wiki, may already be aware of! If not, you might wish to (after you have got your hands on a working Mudlet) take a look at Mudlet Lua API as that is the recommended place to find out the details of all the functions that Mudlet provides on top of the core Lua functionality.

Some of that ability comes from extra code that is not built-in to Lua but is in the form of external modules either in the form of script (text) files written in the Lua language itself or binary (library) files compiled from (usually but not exclusively 'C') source code. In order to have that functionality Mudlet makes use of several of these modules which can most readily (if not already available as "packages" for a particular Operating System) be obtained as rocks from the public Luarocks collection. Such a rock actually consists of a rockspec file that gives instructions to the Luarocks tool how to obtains the (source) code, compile it on any supported OS into the form that a Lua interpreter (including the one included in each running Mudlet profile) can use, and where and what it will be placed and called when it has been made. After that it should be available to Lua via the require command.

Anyone compiling Mudlet for themselves will find it desirable to ensure they have a usable Luarocks installation and have the lua-yajl module installed before commencing to compile Mudlet itself; this is because a Lua (version 5.1) interpreter and that module are used within the build process of making the executable code that is the Mudlet application.

Included Modules

  1. luautf8 (manual in README)
  2. lcf (customised version)
  3. luafilesystem (manual)
  4. lrexlib-pcre (manual)
  5. luasql-sqlite3 (http://lunarmodules.github.io/luasql/manual.html manual)
  6. lua-yajl (manual in README)
  7. luazip (manual)

Adding Luarocks

Here's a rundown on checking you can use luarocks. Here we will use the bit32 module as an example.

1. Install via luarocks

> luarocks install bit32

2. Check where luarocks installs the modules. Note the modules section.

> luarocks show bit32

bit32 - Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library

bit32 is the native Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library, in the version from Lua 5.3; it is compatible with Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.

License:        MIT
Homepage:       http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.7
Installed in:   /usr/local

        bit32 (/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/bit32.so)

Depends on:
        lua >= 5.1, < 5.5 (using 5.1-1)

3. Recompile mudlet. You may need to adjust lua path and cpath information for your environment. You can use the following commands to help find this information.

> luarocks --lua-version 5.1 path --no-bin
export LUA_PATH='./?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/home/username/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/home/username/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua'
export LUA_CPATH='./?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so;/home/username/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/?.so

Or from within mudlet itself you can issue these commands to double check the correct paths are being used.

> lua print(package.path)
> lua print(package.cpath)

4. Recompile and run a test script using the require command to load in the necessary library.

bit32 = require("bit32")

function bit32_test()

Enabling Debug Build

To enable a debug build that can be run through GDB:

  • follow all steps until qmake
  • modify the qmake line by adding in debug info, e.g.:
 qmake CONFIG+=debug ../src/mudlet.pro
  • compile as normal
  • attach gdb to mudlet
 gdb ./mudlet
  • within gdb command line start mudlet running by:
  • proceed to crash mudlet then type
  • submit the output with your bug reports.

Compile Time Flags

DEBUG_UTF8_PROCESSING - for decoding the UTF-8 (1 byte with the MSB set or 2, 3 or 4 bytes) encoding
DEBUG_GB_PROCESSING - for decoding the GBK (2 bytes) or GB18030 (2 or 4 bytes) encodiing
DEBUG_BIG5_PROCESSING - for decoding the Big5-ETEN or Big5-HKSCS encodings
DEBUG_EUC_KR_PROCESSING - for decoding the EUC_KR encoding
DEBUG_SGR_PROCESSING - decoding the <ESC>[ codes (that pair of bytes being the CSI "Control Sequence Introducer" - including the one ending in m which is the "Set Graphics Rendition" that Mudlet (and other MUD clients and other things) use to control colours and other font effects.
DEBUG_OSC_PROCESSING - decode the <ESC>] codes (that MUST end with a <ESC>\) - currently Mudlet only handles a couple of these OSC "Operating System Commands".
DEBUG_MXP_PROCESSING - stuff to do with the MXP protocol - which uses a <ESC> ... z sequence of characters to do some things...